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Moos, D.C & Stewart, C. (2018). Technology uses in instruction. In M. DiBenedetto (Eds). Connecting Self-regulated Learning and Performance with Instruction Across High School Content Areas. Springer publishing.


Moos, D.C. (2017). Emerging classroom technology: Using self-regulation principles as a guide for effective implementation. In J.A Greene and D. Schunk (Eds), Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance (pg 241-254). Routledge publishing.


Moos, D.C. & Bonde, C.  (2015). Flipping the classroom: Embedding self-regulated learning prompts in videos. Technology, Knowledge and Learning 21(2), 225-242.


Moos, D.C., & Miller, A. (2015). The self-regulated learning cycle with

hypermedia: Stable between learning tasks? Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 14(2)


Moos, D.C. & Miller, A. (2014). Personal beliefs as a lens: The role of epistemological and self-regulated learning beliefs in pre-service teachers’ evaluation of lesson plans. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 4(8), 768-783.


Moos, D.C. (2014). Setting the stage for metacognition during hypermedia learning: What motivation constructs matter? Computers & Education, 70, 128 – 137.


Moos, D.C., & Pitton, D. (2014). Student teacher challenges: Using Cognitive Load Theory as an explanatory lens. Teaching Education. 25, 2.



Moos, D.C. (April 2019). Teacher as learner: The missing ingredient in a self-regulated learning classroom? Invited key note speaker for the Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.


Moos, D.C. (April 2019). Self-regulated learning and pre-service teachers: Is prompting necessary?In Symposium: Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning Across Different Contexts. Invited Symposium presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Educational Research, Toronto, Canada.


Moos, D.C. (April 2017). Concurrent Think-Alouds: Using trace data to understand self-regulated learning. In Symposium:What can be inferred from trace data?: Current methods to triangulate and validate traces of learning behavior. Presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.


Moos, D.C. (July 2016). Invited Discussant for Symposium: The Intersection between Depth and the Regulation of Strategy Use. Presented at the 2016 Higher Education Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Moos, D.C. & Olson, R. (April 2016). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Flipped Classrooms: Are All Three Phases Necessary? Presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.





Journal Publications
2014 - Present
See CV for full list (2004 - Present)

Current Research & Recent Updates


My research agenda broadly focuses on the role of self-regulated learning in two areas, emerging classroom technology and pre-service teacher training. Currently, I am involved in research that focuses on the impact of prior knowledge and beliefs on pre-service teachers' self-regulated learning.


I am recently co-edited a special issue in Frontiers with Dr. Tova Michalsky (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gran, Israel): Fostering Self-Regulated Learning Classrooms Through Intentional Links Between Conceptual Frameworks, Empirical-Based Models and Evidence-Based Practices.


Conference Presentations
2016 - Present
See CV for full list (2004 - Present)
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