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EDU 330: Developmental & Educational Psychology

Spring 2024



Class Documents & Resources



Lesson Plans (for class activities and assignments):​

  • Physical Education (click here)

  • Art (click here)

  • Elementary Music (click here)

  • K - 12 Music (click here)

  • World Language (click here)

  • Math (click here)

  • Science (click here

  • Social Studies (click here)

  • English/CALT (click here and here)



Class Schedule & Homework


Class 1 (Tuesday, February 6): Introduction

What is due today?

  • Nothing due

What documents will be used during today's class?      


Class 2 (Thursday, February 8): Self-Regulated Learning 

What is due today?​

  1. Two readings for today's class: Article #1 and Article #2 

  2. Complete REACTION PAPER after reading articles. Please bring in a hardcopy of the reaction paper to today's class. 

What documents will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹


Class 3 (Tuesday, February 13): Constructivism

What is due today?​

  1. Which way is the bus traveling, left or right (click here for the image of the bus)? Share your answer on today's CHECK POINT ASSIGNMENT (below) 

  2. Read through all of the pages of Concept to Classroom (links for the 7 pages are at the top of the first page in the following article): What is Constructivism?

  3. Watch this video on applying Constructivism to the classroom

  4. Complete this CHECKPOINT ASSIGNMENT on Constructivism

What documents will be used during today's class? 


Class 4 (Thursday, February 15): Promoting Conceptual Change AND Concept Attainment 

What is due today?​

  1. Two readings for today's class: Article #1 (conceptual change, watch the "additional resources" video on conceptual change near the bottom of the website) and Article #2 (after reading article #2, watch the video in the article)

  2. Thought Questions: See syllabus for names

What documents will be used during today's class? 


Class 5 (Tuesday, February 20): Information Processing Theory

What is due today?​​

  1. Watch this video on the Information Processing Theory

  2. Complete CHECKPOINT ASSIGNMENT​ (suggestion: Preview the Checkpoint assignment BEFORE watching the video).

What documents will be used during today's class? 


Class 6 (Thursday, February 22): Metacognition

​What is due today?

  1. Watch this video on metacognition 

  2. Watch ONE of the following videos:​

    1. Supporting Metacognition in Elementary/Middle School (option #1) OR Supporting Metacognition in Elementary School (option #2)

    2. Supporting Metacognition in High School

  3. Complete this CHECKPOINT ASSIGNMENT (Suggestion: Preview the checkpoint assignment BEFORE reading the article).

What documents and video will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹


Class 7 (Tuesday, February 27): The Science of "Forgetting"

What is due today?​

  1. Read and watch video in this article

What documents and videos will be used during today's class? 


Class 8 (Thursday, February 29): Quiz (Information Processing Theory & Metacognition)

What is due today? ​

  1. Study for quiz (Information Processing Theory and Metacognition)

What documents and video will be used during today's class?


Class 9 (Tuesday, March 5): Cognitive Development (Piaget)

What is due today?

  1. Read this article  OR watch this video

  2. Watch this video (Assimilation/Accommodation/Schemas)

  3. Thought Questions: See syllabus for names

What documents and videos will be used during today's class?      â€‹


Class 10 (Thursday, March 7): Age-Level Characteristics​

What is due today?

  1. Read this article (Kohlberg's Theory of Morality Development)

  2. Read ONE of the following articles: Elementary OR Middle/High School

  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents and videos will be used during today's class?      


Class 11 (Tuesday, March 12): Cognitive Development (Vygotsky) 

What is due today?​

  1. Watch this video 

  2. Thought Questions: See syllabus for names

  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents and video will be used during today's class?      â€‹


Class 12 (Thursday, March 14): Quiz (Cognitive Development & Age Level Differences) 

What is due today? 

  1. Study for quiz (Cognitive Development & Age Level Differences)

  2. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment  (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents and video will be used during today's class?   

  • Nothing


Class 13 (Tuesday, March 19): Introduce Intelligence Theories & Critical Thinking Work Time

What is due today? 

  1. Nothing

What documents and video will be used during today's class?   

  1. In your opinion, does this show evaluate "intelligence"? In your opinion, what is this show evaluating?

  1. What is the video's perspective on "intelligence" and the role of school in developing "intelligence"?

  2. To what extent do you support this perspective? Why?


Class 14 (Thursday, March 21): Intelligence Theory 

What is due today? â€‹

  1. Two readings for today's class: Article #1 and Article #2

  2. Thought Questions: See syllabus for names

  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment  (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents and video will be used during today's class?   


Tuesday March 26: No Class (Spring Break)

Thursday, March 28: No Class (Spring Break)


Class 15 (Tuesday April 2): Fixed vs Growth Mindset

What is due today?

  1. Read two articles: Article #1 and Article #2

  2. Complete CHECKPOINT ASSIGNMENT​ (suggestion: Preview the Checkpoint assignment BEFORE watching the video). 

  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents and video will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹


Class 16 (Thursday, April 4): “Learning Styles” 

What is due today?

  1. Watch video of Ken Robinson's views on education

  2. Read response to Ken Robinson's view on education

  3. Read a short article  OR  watch a short video (3.5 minutes) questioning the existence of "learning styles"

    • BONUS VIDEO (not required.... a video on learning styles from a University of North Carolina colleague and friend, Dr. Jeff Greene) 

  4. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹â€‹


Class 17 (Tuesday, April 9): Attribution Theory & Critical Thinking Work Time

What is due today? â€‹

  1. Watch one Video

  2. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents will be used during today's class?    

  • Powerpoint for today's class: Attributions​​​


Class 18 (Thursday, April 11): Intelligence Activity (in class, nothing to prepare)

  1. Nothing! 

What documents will be used during today's class?    


Tuesday, April 16: No Class (College Wide Advising Day)


Class 19 (Thursday, April 18): Motivation Introduction and Class Review

What is due today?

  1. Nothing!

What documents will be used during today's class?    

    • Lesson Plan Evaluation (motivation)

    • Powerpoint

    • Case Studies for Class Review  

      • Case Study #1 (Constructivism, Piaget & Vygotsky)

        • Elementary: (1) Explain in your own words why the project-based unit would be considered a a constructivist approach to learning; (2) Based on the students' current stage of cognitive development, why was it necessary for Carlos to break down the project into smaller, more manageable steps?; (3) Based on Piaget's Theory, would you have expected students' self-evaluations to be so superficial? Why or why not?; (4) How does the "research team" format exemplify Vygotsky's social construction of knowledge within the Zone of Proximal Development?

        • Middle School: (1) According to Piaget's Theory, what factors should Morgan consider in planning biology lessons?; (2) Explain how Morgan could stimulate disequilibrium in her students before the frog dissection and why disequilibrium is important for cognitive change; (3) Based on Vygotsky's Zone of Prioximal Development, was it appropriate for Morgan to place Tyler with Jay and Vincent? Why or why not? What types of support would Tyler need from other students and from Morgan in order to benefit from instruction involving social interaction?

        • High School​​: (1) Is it valid to assume that all high school students should be at the formal operational stage of development? Use Piaget's Theory to support your answer; (2) In your opinion, what mistakes did Mr. Reddy make in teaching?; (3) How would you approach teaching this class based on assumptions from both Vygotsky and Piaget?

      • Case Study #2 (Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning):

        • Elementary: (1) What metacognitive strategies did Ian use with his reading group? Be specific; (2) What specific metacognitive strategies could Ian have taught his students in order to improve their reading comprehension?; (3) How might Ian have helped the students working at their desks to monitor their progress?

        • Middle School: (1) What metacognitive factors may have contributed to the students' failure to remember details from the lessons when it came time to take their exam?; (2) How might prior knowledge about George Washington have been a factor in students' use of metacognitive skills during the unit?; (3) How could students have used self-regulated learning (planning and monitoring) strategies as they wrote down their points for the Continental Congress?

        • High School​​: (1) What types of metacognitive knowledge are evidence in So Yoon's reflection on her teaching?; (2) How could students have used self-monitoring and evaluation during the lesson? How could So Yoon have helped students use monitoring and evaluation during the lesson?; (3) How did So Yoon use self-monitoring as a metacognitive strategy during her delivery of the lesson?

      • Case Study #3 (Intelligence): 

        • Elementary: (1) How would you describe Marcela and Carl according to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences?; (2) How would you describe each student using Sternberg's theory of intelligence?; (3) How can Mrs. Fratelli use the theory of multiple intelligence to teach science? How can she use Sternberg's theory? Growth and fixed mindset?

        • Middle School: (1) How would you characterize Sam according to Gardner's Theory of multiple intelligence?; (2) How would characterize Lindsey according to Sternberg's Theory?; (3) What type of intelligence does Elizabeth's teaching method emphasize? Why?

        • High School​​: (1) Imagine you are one of Beau's colleagues. Describe Gardner and Sternberg's theory and provide Beau some suggestions based on these theories to help him to change his all-lecture format; (2) Evaluate Beau's use of exams and homework assignments based on both Sternberg and Gardner's theory of intelligence; (3) What are some additional methods for assessing student's learning rather relying solely on exams and homework assignments based on Gardner and Sternberg's theory of intelligence. 


Class 20 (Tuesday, April 23): Motivation #1: Basic Needs (Self-Determination Theory & Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs) & Critical Thinking Worktime (second half of class)

What is due today?

  1. One article and one video: Video (Self-Determination Theory), Article (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)


  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What document and video will be used during today's class? â€‹â€‹


Class 21 (Thursday, April 25): Motivation #2: Cognitive Factors in Motivation (Expectancy x Value, Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation)

What is due today?

  1. One article and one video: Video (Expectancy x Value) & Article (Intrinsic/Extrinsic)

  2. Thought Questions:  See syllabus for names

  3. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents will be used during today's class?   

  • Video for today's class: Office and Extrinsic Motivation! 

    • Questions to consider while watching the video:​ (1) How can you explain this episode of The Office through intrinsic and extrinsic Motivation?; (2) What implications can you draw from this episode of the Office for motivating students in the classroom?; (3) What questions do you have about students' "basic needs" (i.e. psychological nutrients) and/or intrinsic/extrinsic motivation?

  • Powerpoint for today's class: Motivation (Cognitive Factors)

  • Motivation Case Studies


Class 22 (Tuesday, April 30): Promoting Motivation in the Classroom​

What is due today?​

  1. Read Articles: Article #1, Article #2

  2. Continue to work on your Critical Thinking Assignment  (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What document and video will be used during today's class? ​​​


Class 23 (Thursday, May 2): Classroom Assessment (Validity & Reliability)

What is due today?

  1. Three readings for today's class: Article #1 (validity & reliability) and Article #2 (what is a rubric?) and Article #3 (how to design a rubric)​

  2. Work on your Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents will be used during today's class? 


Class 24 (Tuesday, May 7): Using assessment to inform instruction

What is due today?

  1. Watch video for today's class

  2. Work on your Critical Thinking assignment (Rough Draft due: May 9; Final Drat due: May 16)

What documents will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹


Class 25 (Thursday, May 9): Peer Feedback

What is due today?

  1. Critical Thinking Assignment (Rough Draft)​

What documents will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹â€‹


Class 26 (Tuesday, May 14): Critical Thinking Work Day, Introduce Final Application, Complete and Submit Standard 5 and 10 in TaskStream

What is due today?

  1. Noting Due today, Final draft of Critical Thinking assignment due next class​

What documents will be used during today's class?      â€‹â€‹â€‹

  • Standards template for this course

  • Standards Overview document: â€‹You will upload the Wednesdays in the Workplace motivation observation/reflection (standard 5) and "using student data to make instructional decisions" (standard 10) assignments to TaskStream and write description/rationale during class​​​

  • Final Application guidelines and suggested template (linked at the top of this website)

What are we doing in class?

  • Introduce Final Application (linked at the top of this websiteDue date to be announced (assigned EDU 330 final time)

  • Feedback on Class (click here for Google Form) 

  • Finish Activity:  Using student performance data to make instructional decisions. (upload this assignment to Standard 10 in TaskStream)

  •  Upload the Wednesdays in the Workplace motivation observation/reflection (Standard 5) to TaskStream, write description/rationale AND submit in TaskStream

  •  Upload "Using student data to make instructional decisions" (Standard 10) assignment to TaskStream and write description/rationale AND submit in TaskStream


Class 27 (Thursday, May 16): We will not have class because Dan will be out of town. Please make sure to share your Critical Thinking Assignment with Dan by 12:30 pm today (Thursday, May 16).

What is due today?​​

  1. Critical Thinking Assignment (Final) Due by 12:30 pm today (Thursday, May 16)

What are we doing in class?​

  1. Share Critical Thinking Assignment


Tuesday, May 21 - 3:00 pm

(email or share doc/file with Dan ( by deadline)


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