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Learning Task Directions (Group B):

The pre-task questionnaire asked you about your beliefs related to "learning styles." The task for this study is to deepen your understanding of learning styles within the classroom.  You have 20 minutes to read and learn about learning styles in preparation for the post-task questionnaire which will ask you to revisit your beliefs about learning styles. You are free to use as many or as few websites as you would like during the 20 minute learning task. 

In order to support your exploration of learning styles, please first consider your current beliefs, think about how these beliefs may affect your learning, and plan strategies to support your learning over the next 20 minutes. Complete this form  for this part of the study.

Thinking Aloud Directions:

This study examines how pre-service teachers learn. "Thinking aloud" during the learning task will provide the researchers with a more accurate understanding of how you learn. Say everything you are thinking and doing, which includes reading, learning, and taking notes. Please do NOT explain your thinking; rather simply verbalize your thinking so that the researchers can get a better understanding of how you learn. The researcher will remind you to verbalize your thinking ("say what you are you thinking") if you are silent for an extended period of time.


Please watch the short video, which demonstrates the process of thinking aloud. In this video, the participant is asked to think aloud as he is learning about Ability Grouping in the classroom.

After you complete the video, the researcher will start a screen capture so there's a record of what you resources you choose to explore during the next 20 minutes. 

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