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What is the influence of prior beliefs on learning?1

Our prior beliefs often can determine whether we perceive incoming information as plausible or implausible. For example, information that is inconsistent with our prior beliefs may be rejected without further reasoning about the plausibility of this information. If you are aware of your prior beliefs, you are able to critically reason about the plausibility of the information rather than just immediately rejecting it.


  1. How would you describe your current beliefs regarding the role of standardized testing in education? Are your beliefs generally positive or negative?

  2. To what extent do you think your current beliefs will affect learning about views that support standardized testing in education? 

  3. To what extent do you think your current beliefs will affect learning about views that object  standardized testing in education?

1: Based on Maier, J., & Richter, T. (2014). Fostering multiple text comprehension: How metacognitive strategies and motivation moderate the text-belief consistency effect. Metacognition and Learning, 9, 51-74

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