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The use of Standardized Testing in education is a controversial topic. Some people advocate that the use of Standardized Testing improves education, while others believe that it has a negative impact on education. This learning task will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about different views on the use of Standardized Testing in education.


You have 25 minutes to read three articles and learn more about Standardized Testing in Education. The first article introduces Standardized Testing. After you finish this article, please read the other two articles outlining the Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing. The order in which you read these two articles does not matter.  As you read these three articles, please learn and prepare as you normally would for an evaluated assessment. You will be asked to complete a posttest on the use of Standardized Testing in education following the 25-minute learning task.

Thinking Aloud:

The purpose of this study is for us to understand how individuals learn. Thus, it is critical that you “think aloud” continuously while you read and learn about Standardized Testing. Say everything you are thinking and doing, which includes reading, learning, and taking notes. Please do NOT explain your thinking; rather simply verbalize your thinking so that the researchers can get a better understanding of how you learn.


Please watch the short video (see desktop), which demonstrates the process of thinking aloud. In this video, the participant is asked think aloud as he is learning about Ability Grouping. 

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